Chemistry Research Building, Oxford University, Chippy Challenge #9   6 comments

chemistry research bldg cod lunch

[The Chippy Challenge: to eat more fish and chips in 2014; see original post for details.]

Fish: cod
Sides: soggy roasted potato chunks and peas with a strange orange discolouration on about 10% of the surface
Evaluation: Had it before and shall again despite all protestations to the contrary…an abomination.
Days since last: 1, (York Road Chippy)
Map link.

The work canteen is subsidized.  When I forget to bring something from home or the weather is too shit to go out, it is there.  I honestly couldn’t give higher praise than that.  Let me rephrase that: I couldn’t honestly give higher praise than that.  At least I won’t be hungry the rest of the afternoon.  Sorry, again, I won’t be interested in food for a while.

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