The Horse and Jockey, Ashton Keynes, Gloucestershire (out of business)   1 comment

My legs were nackered and I was developing a blister on my big toe where a callous on the next toe was rubbing it.  I felt in dire need of lubrication and was glad to spot the Horse and Jockey down a side road in Ashton Keynes.  Relief soon became dismay as I realised the pub was closed, possibly for good.

The old woman I had startled a few steps earlier caught up and suggested another pub down the road but I already knew it was closed after lunchtime (which was why I was bypassing the village in the first place).  She did agree to fire off the obligatory Carling shot (good for the 100/100 Challenge and allowing me to salute this fine, fallen soldier in the way prescribed here).  While we spoke, she too lamented the passing of this pub saying that a rapid succession of tenants had failed to make a go of things; sadly, there is now only the White Hart with its short hours supporting the village which only recently claimed three quite healthy pubs.

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