Tonight you might see me with an illegal smile   2 comments

I had a lot of in-the-office work today, and Spotify’s commercial breaks got tiresome so I tried out Grooveshark. Excellent, but now I long for the sort of musical talent you take for granted will show up at your town (and maybe in your bar) back in the States. Swindon, Bath, and Bristol have reasonably decent music scenes, but you wind up seeing a lot of covers played by folks that have deep-enough songbooks of their own not to have to stoop so low.

So after a half day listening to niche talent, here are the people I wish would tour the UK, especially with a stop at, for instance, the Rolleston, the Twelve Bar, or Riffs:

Delbert McClinton (current tour dates:
John Prine (
Guy Clark (
and, since her people have somehow gotten her Spotify Grooveshark-linked to all three (and I like the name), Cheyenne Marie Mize (

Yeah it’s all right ’cause it’s midnight and I got two more bottles of wine.

2 responses to “Tonight you might see me with an illegal smile

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  1. …and they all cross-linked to Horton Heat and Junior Brown. THAT would be a show to see again.

  2. It don’t cost very much,but it lasts a long while…..

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