Archive for the ‘Fringford’ Tag

Butcher’s Arms, Fringford, Oxfordshire   Leave a comment

Sunday was damp and cool out but it was sunny and a run was due and I had spotted on Google maps what appeared to be baseball diamonds on the way to Fringford just north of Bicester.  All that and the fact that the Butcher’s Arms was at the turnaround point seemed reason enough to get out for a trot.

The ball fields must be due to the RAF base nearby (a lot of USAF personnel) and the neighbourhood that surrounds them has a very suburban-USA feel to it (although, so does mine to be quite honest about it).  Hopefully there will be some games going on as the weather improves.

I took the road to Fringford and while there are no pedestrian pavements there was little traffic to deal with and soon I was safely in the pub enjoying a bitter and drying my sweaty back by the fire.  The landlady was friendly and the place looked cozy all the way back into the dark recesses of the bar.