The Lord Kelvin, King’s Lynn, Norfolk   1 comment

lord kelvin king's lynn signAfter a day of touring the town of King’s Lynn we found ourselves thirsty and in need of a short rest before the drive back south.  The Lord Kelvin solved both of those problems.

lord kelvin king's lynnOutside it looks sort of like a dive, which was one reason it was chosen for our pub visit this afternoon.  The other reason was the name…if you aren’t familiar with Lord Kelvin, here’s a good one page synopsis that has other links within it (the wikipedia article is a little more expansive, though).  Impressive guy.

lord kelvin king's lynn insideInside, the bar itself is striking, a large oval oaken monolith with polished brass fittings (and not an ale to be found…I had a pint of Stella and the staff scrounged around to find some wine for Jackie).  Etched glass windows decorate the doors to the Gents and Ladies, and there’s a weird little shrine to the football team West Ham United behind these customers (none of whom are anything at all like the pub’s namesake):

lord kelvin king's lynn customers

lord kelvin king's lynn west ham shrine

Posted 2009/09/16 by Drunken Bunny in pubs

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